4:29 AM 8/14/2022
Dell OptiPlex 7050 Micro 130W power adapter

An odyssey trying to find the right adapter for this thing. I knew it was going to be an issue as I researched this kind of machine, thanks https://youtu.be/RZMf_DnRvq8 . But I was surprised and disappointed that Dell was of absolutely no help getting a power adaptor for it, even with service tags and part numbers. Chatting with them, officially there's no 130W power adapter for this thing. Never believed them of course. The manual said otherwise, ServeTheHome said otherwise, service tags off eBay with 130W power adapters said otherwise, incredible. So after taking no for an answer, what to do? Well find and buy, visiting Dell Australia, Dell UK, and Dell India to find out which 130W adapter of a bunch in Dell USA is the right adapter. Took a gamble, bought one, nailed it :) The computer didn't nag me about a power adapter problem, and in testing I got all the power the 35W TDP i5 could give me. Didn't have a 65W TDP CPU to test. FYI, don't use a bootleg adapter for these things. If you ignore the power warning and continue, you wont get all the juice the CPU has to offer. Happened to me, CPU was so throttled didn't even need a CPU fan with a bootleg 65W adapter. This should be a lesson for laptops as well.

The point:
    Want a verified 130W power adapter for a Dell OptiPlex 7050 Micro? It's:
      322-1829 as listed on the Dell website and packing slip, 0V363H on power adapter label, V363H on packing slip, 4.5mm barrel, CHNY, L6, V2, E5
      It already comes with a power cord, 2JVNJ, 125V, 2.5A, 1M, C5, E5, US
      Packing slip here for more details.


1:43 AM 9/30/2022
Inside att cabinets

Ever wonder what's inside them ATT cabinets? There ya go...